考教师 金标尺
Think of somebody you really admire. You will probably find that their success didn’t come easily. As “Father of Hybrid Rice”,Yuan Longping got over great difficulties and spent his whole life working to reduce world hunger and helping to feed the country with the largest population.
Wu Mengchao, the “Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery(肝胆外科)”, focused on saving people’s lives nearly eighty years. He performed more than 16000 operations during his life. Holding the surgeon’s knife for such a long time deformed his fingers. Wu once said, “It would be my greatest happiness if I could work at the operating table until my dying day.”
In 1969, in order to solve the problem of treating malaria(疟疾)Tu Youyou, a pharmacologist(药学家), took on the job as head of a research team. She and her teammates performed different kinds of experiments . However , the results were disappointing. Instead of giving up, they kept trying. Finally, in 1972, they made it! In 2015, at the age of 85, she received a Nobel Prize.
Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, believed that every failure was a step towards success. He once said, “If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong try is another step forward.”
Sometimes, their success was a surprise, even to themselves. The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said “When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September, 1928, I certainly didn’t plan to revolutionise(变革)all medicine by discovering the world’s first antibiotic(抗生素). But I guess that was exactly what I did.”
Some people only became successful after their deaths. Not like Pablo Picasso who became famous and very rich during his lifetime, the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting all through his life and that was to a friend. But he kept painting and he painted more than 2,000 artworks in the following ten years. Now his paintings are very popular and they sell for millions of pounds.
One thing all these people have in common is sticking to their goals no matter what.
Pablo Picasso became famous after his death
Vincent Van Gogh painted 2001 artworks in his life
it took Tu Youyou’s team about 3 years to reach their goal
Thomas Edison tried 10, 000 ways before he invented the light bulb
正确答案 :C
35. What is the best title of the passage?
26. What do Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao have in common?
29. When Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, he ______.
11.在语文阅读教学中,教师给学生示范如何根据学习内容提出问题,如何恰当地回答,然后由学生充当教师向其他同学提出问题。在这个过程中,学生也检测到自己对材料的理解水平。该教学方式属于( )。
27. The underlined phrase “deformed his fingers” could be replaced by ______.
4. Watching football games on TV at home is one thing, going to watch them ________ live is quite another.
14. At that time ______ two important players ______ a big problem for Lang Ping.
2.最能发挥教师在教学中的主导作用的教学组织形式是( )。